Members News

11/09/2013 16:02

                "This is Lenny"

Tony & Pat have rehomed him

on his 2nd birthday 1st July 2013


Tony & Pat are pleased to announce the arrival of "Ben"

 Ben Feb 2011.jpg

Redcharisma Storm Trooper, he is "Tony's" new agility boy. He was returned to the breeder last December, he will be 1yr old in March and is half brother to "Leah"


Below, Ben with "The Gang" one week after coming here

 Feb 2011All the gang 2.jpg

              The "Collies" Feb 2011

Back row:      Kye, Ben & Jem

Front row:  Leah, Jake & Hannah


Well done to those who have gone up the Grades in 2013 at KC shows

"Pat & Jem" winning into  Grade 6

"Tony & Ben" winning into Grade 4 & 5

"Claire & Jack" winning into Grade 2

"Laura & Holly" winning into Grade 2

Well done to those who have gone up the grades at "UKA shows"

Laura & Holly moving up into "Novice"



